The Bosshole Chronicles Podcast
Perhaps you’ve worked for one – those all-too-common difficult, ineffective, and sometimes downright mean managers and leaders. We call them Bossholes® and we believe no one was born to be a Bosshole®. Hosts Sara Best and John Broer of Real Good Ventures feature thought leaders, subject matter experts, and Bosshole® stories to shine a spotlight on Bosshole® prevention and intervention strategies. They share real life, applicable, and game-changing stories and insights to unravel the complexities of Bosshole® dynamics and chart a course towards reinventing the workplace! Their aim? To transform the workplace and help people find meaning and fulfillment in their work!
Check out all episodes of the Bosshole Chronicles below.
Bill Schaninger, Ph.D. - Power to the Middle (Part 2)
Welcome to Part 2 of our discussion with Dr. Bill Schaninger! Newly retired (but not slowing down), Bill dives into the book he recently co-authored entitled Power to the Middle.
Bill Schaninger, Ph.D. - Power to the Middle (Part 1)
We welcome Dr. Bill Schaninger to The Bosshole® Chronicles! Newly retired (but not slowing down), Bill dives into the book he recently co-authored entitled Power to the Middle.
Kurt Greene - Time, Attention, and Love in Leadership (Part 2)
Welcome back to Part 2 of our discussion with Kurt Greene! We thank Kurt Greene for bringing the "L-word" to The Bosshole® Chronicles!
Kurt Greene - Time, Attention, and Love in Leadership (Part 1)
We thank Kurt Greene for bringing the "L-word" to The Bosshole® Chronicles!
Jonathan Reynolds - Reflections of an Evolving Leader (Part 2)
We are joined again this week by our good friend Jonathan Reynolds for Part 2 of this great interview!
Jonathan Reynolds - Reflections of an Evolving Leader (Part 1)
We are joined this week and next by our good friend Jonathan Reynolds!
Sara and John - The "Return to Office" Dilemma
Seems like the subject of "Return to Office" (RTO) never quite gets fully resolved. And it's a delicate subject, too!
Karen and John: Diagnosing Poor Performance (Part 2)
Here we go with Part 2 of my discussion with Karen Shulman about Diagnosing Poor Performance by focusing on the employee side of the equation.
Karen and John: Diagnosing Poor Performance (Part 1)
We welcome the incomparable Karen Shulman back to the TBC studios!
Sara and John - Mitigating the Risks of Leadership
Leading others has enough challenges without considering the risks associated with it. And that's what we talk about this week.
Sara and John - What Every Leader Can Do About Engagement
You can never take your eye off employee engagement!
Jamie Whited - The Human-First Approach
It is always great to hear from a recovered Bosshole®!
Steve Ingalls - Catalyzer
Experience is a wonderful teacher and Steve Ingalls from Catalyzer shares how his own lessons in Emotional Intelligence have shaped how he approaches his professional and personal endeavors.
The Two-PIP Bosshole®
This week we are joined by Clara as she shares her story about George - the Bosshole® in question.
The Bosshole® of 1776
Happy Birthday, America! This week we reflect on the unique founding of this amazing country of ours and how a Bosshole® (of sorts) was instrumental in its beginning.
Dr. Michael Leiter - The Other B-Word
Burnout is real and it has taken on a whole new look since COVID decided to make itself known.